Add 2 heaping scoops of your chosen masking mix to the clay bowl and drizzle in droplets of masking nectar: 40 droplets sea breeze and 20 droplets for moon mud.
Mix until fully incorporated while repeating a mantra such as "I am abundant", "I am complete", and "I unconditionally love and approve of myself"! This can be done aloud or in your mind.
Apply viscous slurry to your face and neck with loving strokes of your masking brush or cleansed fingertips!
Leave on until dry (watch for color change or for face to be dry to touch).
Fairy tips:
*If your skin is feeling particularly dry, you can remove the mask before it fully dries.
*If you want to experiment, instead of masking nectar or plain water, you can also use herbal tea, honey, or egg whites...feel FREE to get creative!